Gazing and Inquiring

Gazing and Inquiring

One of the things that has most transformed my Christian life in the last few years has been learning how to meditate on the Bible.

Although I became a Christian in my early teens (and that’s a very long time ago!!!) no-one ever suggested that meditating on the Bible might be helpful. Now don’t get me wrong! Right from the very beginning I was encouraged to read my Bible on a daily basis. Year after year I tried to find new ways to do this from setting a bible reading schedule to following bible reading notes to just opening my bible each morning at random. Over the years I got to know my Bible and as a children and youth leader for many years I learnt and taught much from the wisdom in God’s word and from his instruction. The Bible was my handbook for life and as such it led me and kept me in my relationship with my Saviour.


However, a few years ago I was introduced to a method of meditating on the word taught by Kirk Bennett from IHOP-KC. I have to tell you it has transformed my relationship with the Bible! Instead of only studying the word to understand it and find out what it teaches me about God and his desire for my life I have discovered that I can meditate on the word and encounter the Lord himself in it. For years I have longed to know God more, to deepen in my relationship with him and allow that relationship to transform me. As I have set my heart, mind, soul and strength to enter into meditation I can testify that that has been the outcome. He has shown me things from his heart that have changed my attitudes and my relationship towards him and others; that have empowered my worship and my prayers and have caused my spirit to sour within me. This has truly been the journey into “gazing on his beauty and inquiring in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). I have learnt that he loves it when I ask him questions and he delights to answer. I have discovered that Jesus is the living word – that He is most encountered in his word. I have discovered that the bible is a treasure chest full of jewels that the Lord wants to share with me.

On Monday evenings at NFHOP we are going to be meditating on God’s word and I am excited about the revelations he will give us as we set time apart to engage with Him. My hope is that this blog will become a place for those revelations to be shared as we go deeper into his heart both individually and together.